

It started after an evening meal.
The pain.

Five hours in I broke.
And phoned.
The helpline said an ambulance would soon arrive.
Not so.

All night dressed and waiting. Bent.
Stomach-holding. Sofa-bound.
Yet no-one came.

Ten hours later, I struggled off
to A&E,


Now doctors were taking an interest.
Usually a bad sign.
I got a little cubicle, to myself. Less stressful.
For an introvert.

“It’s not your appendix, but 
we’ve found a shadow on the scan.”

A shadow. I didn’t like the sound of that.
Vague, yet somehow ominous.

A colonoscopy was next.

Then CT with contrast dye.




The call occurred one Friday in October.
“Consultant wants to see you.”
“Can’t we talk by phone?” I asked.
“No. We need you to attend.
A nurse will be there, too.”

I knew, of course, my luck had gone.
Good news didn’t travel
quite this way.

“Stage 3 bowel cancer”
the diagnosis, came.
4 weeks til they cut me open.
Chopped half my colon out.

Yet blood leaks through such tumours.
They found me too anaemic, for the surgery.
During an iron transfusion I collapsed.
Caught a virus
in their waiting room.

Lungs congested, on the day.
Operation, thus,
delayed, another month.

More time to fret.


through December’s dark
at 6.45 (am)
I walked

across a rather quiet city
toward an opaque
Amid those distant lights.


Taking in its sights.



with the thought

of a slicing











Since being discharged from hospital, three days before Christmas 2021,
I’ve been writing a (first) novel.
Hadn’t quite realised how exhausting that would be.

Hence my absence from blogging.
Multitasking is hard for me. I feel a need for sticking obsessively at one thing.
Sadly, I haven’t written a poem since my last blog post.
I’m even anxious that moving back to poems might lose the flow of prose.
Its narrative arc, focus, and intensity.
Plus those inspirations for slogging away, trying to reach that distant summit,
of the word mountain.
(An actual end.)

As Cancer is my starsign, too, and birthday week has come around, again,
I thought to write a piece: explaining this extended absence, from WordPress.

I want to return to poetry, once the novel is finished.
Hopefully, before 2022 is over.

(I’m 27,000 words / 16 chapters in, so far. Past half way.
Slow progress. But my energy levels are low, due to chronic illness.)


Wishing a big

Thank You!


to all my followers. ❤️

I am very grateful for your patience.  🤗


I still log in (irregularly). Then, greatly enjoy other people’s writing, art, drawing, photography.
(And leaving likes.😄)

Sorry if this post seems tedious, yet I wished to update everyone on my situation,
rather than just let a long silence continue, unclarified.

I have not abandoned blogging, or poetry.
(Ab)Normal ramblings may even be resumed,
on here.
By winter time…



scan 22


Comments are always very welcome!  🌞


Bye for now!




(PS: Any art, or photography, on this blog is mine. Hope you like it? 🙏)


( anxiety / art / blog / blogging / drawing / illness / life / photography / poem / poems / poetry / prose / reading / writing )


Should I give them up

my pockmarked truths?

(Each scar-shamed one.)


Are they deemed
too blunt and ugly, now?

(Although hard-won.)


As if unearthed

like postholes under
abandoned ancient sites

which only speak
to us
in ash.


In charcoal’s black.

From lives undone.

By sufferings
that came on fast.



And where

(however much
its victims strove
at staying strong)

Fate’s sharpened heel
then ground things down.

Unto this


across deep soil.


So to ask


Do I tell them still:
these damnably
unwelcome truths?


Or let what I know
be taken


(that thieving death’s-hand)

Or silenced
via law
and dogmas?


Either way

(it feels)

I shall




in censored
















(Post-poem musing)




Defeat code




Lies may be popular
yet still pollute the soul.

I’ve seen them spread.

Of course, I speak as mere outsider.

Society had no place for me.

Love proved unobtainable.
Friendship unavailable.
Beauty unattainable.
Recognition unachievable.
Conformity unendurable.

But in this desert I sought Truth.
Among a myriad books.

Thinking til my brain hurt.
Bearing painful disillusion.

Served Truth as a mistress.
(Though she was cruel.)


Now I fear loss of legacy.
Taking secrets to the grave.

Dread a smothering control-grid
where free thought may barely breathe.

And dissent can get deleted
before even being read.


Anxious tyranny goes masked
conceals its mean grimace.

Behind sugar coated rhetoric
of “safety”, “care”, “community”.

Whose guidelines filter
disliked views.

And keep things hid
not argued with.


So perhaps my words
will all be wasted?

And hence bullies win again.
(I found they often did.)

Feeling need to speak in code
already signals one’s defeat.


What remains is fretting.
Muted impotence.

on the sidelines

While a smug parade
struts by.

To hear its well-lit
noisy victory


that triumph



the lie.










Belated Birthday Piece


The photo below is as close as I ever got to a wedding…

(That’s me, with the top hat.
And a girl even held my hand!
I always loved women’s company.
Hoped one might marry me.

But fate had other plans.)






I intended a post marking my 30th consecutive birthday isolated and ill.
(After living alone from 1991.)

Although too unwell for publishing this on time, I am pushing back against oblivion:
by including it, now.

(Please forgive the lateness.)








In a futile imitation of self-love
I’d vowed:

To mark each birthday
by a piece.

Though the date meant less
it still held worth for me.

Yet I sank too low
this year.

Hence failed (alas).
At feigning some significance.

Depression crushed my spirit
like a bug.


I lost a fight
which lostness won.

Then sensed a darkening destiny
a long-imagined fear.

Of joining those forgotten ones.
Who die unseen.

Who lie alone in quiet homes.
Unmissed for months.

As all around go rushing on
compulsive in their busyness.


And while I watch 
such fate approach

to change is growing harder

it does not just depend on me
but strangers.

As old age reveals
diminished status

shrink toward a nullity
beyond humane regard.

Where no other life

makes spare any space
for mine.


Thus I sit, again
with silence.

Only mapping out
these margins

In my







Wait ages for a poem, then three come along at once! 😀


(I wonder which one works best?

Did any lines stand out for you?)

Art on the blog is mine: I hope you like it?  🌛


Comments are always VERY welcome! 🙏






I apologise for blogging infrequently in 2021.

Was going to write about the reasons.
Yet this post seems rather long, already.
(Worry you may get too bored.)
Therefore I’ll leave that topic for another time.


I want to finish by expressing my gratitude.
To readers and followers.

As a person absent from other platforms or social media
it has been a moving experience:
exposing my work online, for the first time, here.

Finding people so supportive and kind.

Your likes, follows, and comments, help keep me going.
Maintaining morale during chronic illness.
Countering those temptations to give up. 


Would really love to thank you all in person. 🤗

But must make do with sending


Best Wishes!


for reading!





(  art / blog / blogging / depression / drawing / life / mental health / photography /poem / poetry / thoughts / truth / writing)



A passing beauty
once observed

(Who’d walked upon
the cobbled street
below my window)

in dream.

And there
she strode along

With arms around herself:

A kind of cradling pose
which stood out as
so feminine.

This sight endured
in mind.

Since women always
fascinated me.

How self contained they seemed.
How unapproachable.

Those favoured ones
I most adored
moved ever
beyond reach.

Above apparent
for connection.
Or of love.

I recalled
my childhood

Where bullies
brutes and boasters would
display their baseless confidence.
Acting as if unaware
of life’s

But some still
grew quite popular.
While I was left
aside or

Both then
and now.

each day.

All down those
cold decades.

this long
ten thousand nights

at times the
pain could get so bad
(lying in the dark
I also tried to hold myself.

(Console myself.)

Two arms across the chest.

(Just as the passing girl had done.)




did not




(As an affectionate person, 30 years alone with illness has felt a bit like
being endlessly stuck in a touch-deprivation experiment.

I tried to convey something of that experience in the poem.)



And now, rather late (but better than never?) :

Here’s a piece to mark fours years on WordPress…




4th Blogiversary post




Not writing



How I envy those who love writing!

It doesn’t work that way for me.


Nor did my “blogging break” enable “returning refreshed”.

I find “refreshed” an almost forgotten sensation.
Due to chronic illness.

Each morning feels more like dragging my body free from a pit
of exhaustion and pain.
After taking minor beatings, during the night.
(Had dream-demons caught me again?)

Then I attempt to fake being human, for a few hours.


The longer my blogging break, the harder restarting appeared.
Inertia, anxiety, self-doubts, set in.

Watching others pour out their blogposts
I floundered amid sickness and despair.
Tormented by my own time-wasting.

Depression coats awareness
with its layer of toxic mould.

Failure expands, to seem a default state.


Perhaps poem-hunger makes it worse?
The waiting for inspiration.
Minus structure, plan, or plot.

Because I associate writing with mental ferment.

Where ideas disrupt rest.
Tapping against windowpanes of consciousness.
As if annoying moths sought entry.

Thoughts scribbled down: in order to escape them.
After which they fade, unseen.
Confined by decaying notepads.
An unedited chaos, I lack energy to synthesise.

If only this mess could be redeemed!

But illness ruins everything.

(How to ever to get published
when I struggle to get out of bed?)

So passed a blogiversary:
Enjoying other people’s work.
While neglecting my own.

Days spent scrolling.
soon  joined weeks.
Then months.

On it goes.
The emptiness.


The ticking clock.

Now draws me back.

To write.



not writing.





Does anyone else prefer reading to writing?

Have you ever felt motivationally-challenged (like me)?

Comments are always VERY welcome!🙏


Best wishes to you all!


(Art on the blog is mine: I hope you like it.🌛)


for reading!




( anxiety / art / beauty / blog / blogging / depression / drawing / life / loneliness / mental health / poem / poems / poetry / writing )

Better days





I stopped to hear the wind
sound its pursuit
around my ears.

And stood
a while

(mouth tingling vaguely).

Thinking back
on being young

As one who’d
dared imagine

might soon

life’s lonely treadmill

confined course.


(even in their emptiness)


just these

better days?


yet such times
were still


trauma’s shadow


the memory.






the blood.








(The poem above sprang from a few unused old lines.
Left on scrap paper when I was 21.

They reasserted themselves before me:
as if discontented with their 42 year oblivion.
Seeking a return to the light, at last.

I felt driven to rework them, into this.

Strange being a poet sometimes.

I hope you think it works?)





And Now

it’s time for…


Blogstars 2020!




I discovered many excellent new blogs in 2020:
and wanted to share a selection with you…




Leila at Leila Samarrai

Holly at House of Heart

Ra’ahe at Fallen Alone

Vallia at Vall.Grey poetry

Kim at The Cheesesellers Wife

Kristiana at My Screaming Twenties

Ai at The Vague Thoughts

Nikita at The Purple Hermit

Betty at Seasonings

Aneurin Gwyn at Into the Unknown

Melody at Melody Chen

Upashna at Upashna

Kaylie at A Whole and the Moments

Liv at she wrote

Viktoria at weird and white

Robin at WriterGrrlRobin

Euphrosyne at It’s Getting A little Dark Out There





Ritva at Art by Ritva

Monica at Monica Aissa Martinez

Hinglaz at Art by Hinglaz

Isadore at Isadore Michas

Vivien at Vivien Art & Design & Tutoria

Elaine at Elaine Fox Art

Anna at Anna’s

Rachel at rachel tremblay

Heni at Heni’s Happy Paintings

Marisa at Abstract Reception

Damian at Visual Faire





JJ Raia at jjraiaphotography

Angela at My Creative Wayz




Jennifer at Vamp Jenn’s corner

Kelly at Twisted Libra Cemetery




I hope you will enjoy some of these?



(Also, a big “Sorry”
to those not listed!

As I currently follow 275 blogs,
putting them all here, would make this post overlong.)


Please visit my previous “Blogstars

(from 2019)

For 26 more fine Bloggers.

(Including Candice Louisa Daquin; Devika Mathur; River Dixon; Gary J Steele; etc.)


I’ve only linked writers found since publishing the first version, in this piece:
to avoid duplication.



Did you find great new blogs in 2020?

Do you agree with any of my choices?


Comments are always very welcome. 🙏


Wishing everyone a

Happy New Year!


Thank you
for reading.


(Art on the blog is mine: I hope you like it?)





Meant to publish this during December, but got hit by another flu-type virus
(alongside my usual chronic illness) through the festive season.🤒

Totally sapped energy for contacting others.
And when the phone actually rang, on Christmas day, I felt too unwell to answer it.
Reinforcing the isolation.

So passed my 28th Christmas alone.

Anyway, with luck, none of you can top that,
for sheer dreariness?
LOL! 🤞🏻)


( art / blog / blogging / depression / drawing / life / love / mental health / photography / poem / poems / poetry / reading / writing )




When day returns

like something never reached

on the air.

(O muse)
let me speak
from my dream

of her eyes

I so wanted
to meet
with mine.

which always
behind their clouds.)


Just once

Let me sing

while still
I lie
and seek

Imagined dawns


to the lungs.


Or wish
for years
less lost.


As these

attempt light.


mere networks

of signs.






(Above is a piece based on poetry written aged 23.
I’ve felt unable to create poems, lately, due to illness.
Hope you think it works?)

(Below is a prelude to this post…)



Digital nightmare!


After logging in, unfamiliar sights transfixed me.
Waves of anxiety coursed through my body.
What was happening?

The screen now resembled a strange, alien puzzle.
A digital nightmare began.

The WordPress Block Editor had taken over! 😱



(I soon nicknamed it “Blockheaditor”.)

Perhaps designed by geek sadists?
(Who’d decided we tech-phobes were not suffering enough already,
just trying to be bloggers.)

Being a humble poet: an image with some words underneath was all I knew.

Struggling against disorientation: a panicky nausea arose.
As if betrayed by a trusted friend.

Amid confusing options, I sought pathways to coherence.
Painful hours passed.

Finally, my nervous hand crept toward the “Publish” button.

Would this reveal success?
Or disaster?


I squinted into an electronic glow.

Had the words appeared correctly?









Have any others found the Block Editor an unwanted change?

It may be great for those with more ability than me.
Or who need extra features.

But I prefer freedom of choice to compulsion.


Comments are always very welcome!🙏


Thank you 👏
for reading.


(Art on the blog is mine: I hope you like it?)




Sorry for the lack of content, recently.
Depression’s been hitting me hard.
Motivation got crushed.

Intended to post at least once per month, but failed.

On the positive side, I’m still active:
following 277 people;
using the reader,
and discovering new blogs.)


Wishing you all well.🙂


(anxiety / art / beauty / blog / blogging / depression / drawing / life / mental health / poem / poems / poetry  / thoughts / writing )


The message


An ancient code
long wove through


Its falling tremor
a veiled melody.


At times
barely heard.


As if

on distant shores.


Or sought
in old minds

dismal thoughts.

(Like dark soil
by some goading

As heckling crows
caw down
the pointed wood.)




a message
may come.

Scorning our rules.


(While men pretend

to have




are made



In their





Then carved.














(The poem above is a revision of one written when aged 23.
I find myself too ill for creating new poetry, at present.)




Impostor syndrome?


This blog passed 1,000 followers last week.  🎉
That appeared an unattainable total just a few months ago.

I am very grateful for all your support. 🤗


Yet depression (which currently grips me) has triggered a sort of impostor syndrome.

My inner-critic’s voice sneers:
“Ha! Get a book published before calling yourself a “poet”!
And putting old stuff online, means you aren’t even a proper blogger, either!”

(With a psyche like mine, who needs enemies?)


Yes: I do dream about being published, someday.
But have no idea how.
Or where to approach.

And when my symptoms are bad, I often end up feeling overwhelmed.
The energy required for self-promotion seems completely absent.



Does anybody else struggle against impostor syndrome?

Perhaps viewing themselves as a chronic amateur, among experienced bloggers?

Or imagining that others are “natural” writers, in ways one can’t match?


Comments are always VERY welcome!🙏


Thank you
for reading.🙂


(Art on the blog is mine: I hope you like it?)


(anxiety / art / blog / blogging / depression / drawing / life / mental health / poem /poems / poetry / reading / thoughts / writing )






when now imagined
from certain wilder dreams

to tamer ones.

In any case


of reach.


Though chances
my heart still


that search.


This quiet



sense of




Which never











At last. 🤩

“Beyond my wildest dreams!!”  🙌 🎉


(Well, er, maybe not that far, but…)


Bristol 24/7  SW England’s biggest independent magazine
published a piece about me, this month:

“Blogging against oblivion

I promised them to put the link here.
And ask if you lovely people could be kind enough to click it, for a moment?🙏


That article is the only recognition I have ever had, outside of WordPress.

(Given my obscurity, age, and poor health: it might remain singular.)

The feature contains biographical information, plus artwork and photography.


I don’t enjoy self-promotion. Yet, perhaps, you will forgive me, on such an occasion?

So, please, take a look, if you can.


Did you like any of the images?

I hope you found it of some interest?

Comments are always VERY welcome!🤞🏻🙂


Thank you
for reading.



(PS: Any art, or photography, on the blog is mine.)

( art / blog / blogging / depression / drawing /  fame / life / mental health / photography / poem / poems / poetry / reading / thoughts / writing )


Forgotten happiness

scan 21-1






When I was a small boy
at the zoo

This world seemed

And yet

If someone told me
how lonely
life would grow.

What could I have done
(or changed)
to stop that fate?


not finish up
as melancholic.
faded soul.

Like a goth in spirit.





Perhaps long illness shows us
who our true friends are?

With mine revealing
I had none.

a loving uncle.

until the end.


His photographs were left for me.
Preserving childhood days.

Those early sunlit trips
escaped oblivion




To my surprise
he claimed I’d been
a source of fun and joy.


arrived later.

Once art waned
I lost my way.)


His favourite picture
caught me unaware
a swan approached






I found an unseen image
of what happened next.


He’d made it known
the bird drew near.

So I turned back






these few shots

which now

though blurred
or aged

might still display

their faint remains


of such










(This is my third

Birthday blog post.


After 30 years of spending them alone (and ill)
I often feel sadness, on the day.
It tends to emphasise continued isolation.

My uncle used to ring me.
But, since his death, the phone stays, mostly, silent.)


Hope everybody is well?

Do you like any of the photos?


Comments are always VERY welcome!


Thank you
for reading.


( art / blog / blogging / depression / goth / life / mental health / photography / poem / poems / poetry / reading / thoughts / writing )





Phrases arrive.


Through various fathomless
of sense.

Like empty sprites


Then these visitors
shrink to a speck.

Cross reeling


Weaving down
past deeper veils.

Where older shades
lay mingled
in their graves.

With an


And thus
(I found)

Only certain



















(Above is a revised poem, from when I was 23.)

I’m still unable to write fresh poetry, since a recent illness.
Post-viral depression eased, yet the creative spark’s gone missing.







I’ve spent more time than usual on WordPress in the last few months.
Enjoyed discovering loads of new writers, poets, artists, and photographers.

As a result the number of blogs I follow has reached about 240.
This is making it difficult to keep up!
(So far, I try to read every post from blogs I follow.)

Seeing my audience grow is exciting.
(I’m truly grateful to each one of you.)

Though I also feel quite guilty, for not following back all 
of those who are kind enough to follow me.
But the number (700+) seems rather large to make that practical?


I’d love to hear how many blogs other readers follow?

Do you think 240 is a lot?
Or am I being a WordPress wimp?🙂

Do you ever feel bad for not following people back?
Do you follow blogs you don’t actually read?

(I worry that over 300 may become hard to focus on?)


To be honest, I notice myself hesitate about following long-form, writers, lately.
Especially if they post more than once per day.

I’m much happier to follow those posting weekly, or infrequently.
Plus, art and photography blogs (which are often less text-heavy).


Comments are always VERY welcome!🙏


(Art on the blog is mine: I hope you like it?)


Thank you
for reading.


( anxiety / art / blog / blogging / drawing / life / mental health / photography / poem / poems / poetry / reading / writing )

Internet magic!




What a magical place the internet seemed.

Once I signed up for e-mail, transformations began.

Charming ladies, were keen to date.
(Identifying as “hot local milfs.”)

These sounded a pleasant change
from those ice maidens
who blanked me
on lonely shopping trips.


Next, appeared financial offers
by the very rich.

People warned against responding.
Revealing cynical negativity.

“Your worldview must be sad, indeed,” I thought,
“Not trusting Nigerian royalty
with basic bank details.”


Sharp insight of strangers, also impressed.
Intuiting hidden desires.
For male enhancement products.
And female company.

How could they possibly know me, so well?
It felt a little spooky.


Though other messages made no sense.
As if tormented minds shared
deranged states.

Some spam undermined itself
using blatant brand names
in a web address.


But certain complimentary mail
one wished were genuine.


“You’ve done a formidable job on the blog!”
“Our community’s grateful to you.”

Had tech giants noticed Me?
Then why did stats stay low?


A special comment lit new sparks
amid my loneliness:

“I’m extremely pleased, finding your great site!”
Wrote Ukraine high-class escort.

“I truly savoured every part of it.
And have you saved in favourite.”


Might this be my muse, at last?
Wistfully, I sighed.
Imagining melancholy beauty.
A passionate Slavic soul.

I yearned to hear her exotic accent.
Or speak my only Russian words.
(Perhaps provoke a smile?)

Grown too old to meet her, now.

(Could I even afford to?)


a poor man still has dreams.

I confess.)



That internet magic


And keeps me



its spell.






(Should this piece have a British irony alert, at the top?
Can my sense of humour work without emojis?)


I took a blogging break, this month; for the first time in three years.
Had fun, discovering new sites, and interacting.

Meant to post last Sunday, but messed up.
A poem refused to go right.
Anxiety set in.
(“Maybe I can’t write poetry any more?”)

Then late night, brain-fog, and exhaustion, wore me down.
So another week was lost.


Art on the blog is mine: I hope you like it?

Do you ever enjoy spam?

Comments are always VERY welcome!🙏

Thank you
for reading.


( anxiety / art / beauty / blog / drawing / humor / humour / life / mental health / poem / poems / poetry / reading / writing )