




I post thoughts, artwork, verse, and musings upon existence.

On this blog you can take a break from relentless positivity,
to indulge your inner lostness.

My interests include: art, poetry, reading, music, guitar, philosophy, and chess.




An article about me titled Blogging against oblivion
appeared in Bristol 24/7 magazine.


(A previous version of this page remains below…)








Opposing my disappearance



 Suffering long-term chronic illness, I have spent much time housebound.

As a break from isolation (being too unwell for an active social life):
I decided to attempt contact with others, via blogging.

 Putting some of my past creative output on here.

Since I am alone, these works would probably be lost, unless preserved online.

I lack technical ability or experience, hence a rather bare appearance for the site.



Feedback is very welcome.




Thank You!