Sick of blogging?

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Ever get fed up with blogging?

I do.

Sometimes during moods of unexpected intensity.

“Why continue, then?” you ask.

(Notice me discerning your thoughts? Pretty cool, eh?)

“Because I don’t have a life,” is the basic answer.
Being chronically ill reduces capacity for enjoyable activities.

“Which activities are those?” you inquire.
(My mind-reading’s on a roll, today.)

“Hmm. Let’s see.”

“Say the first thing arising.”
“Er. Maybe the second thing.”
“Why not the first?”
“It was slightly inappropriate.”
“Go ahead. After all, who cares?”
“Excuse me?”

“Face facts. Hardly anybody’s interested.
They wearied of your existential rambling months ago.
And the depressing poetry.”

“Hang on, a minute…”

“Hence you’re left talking to yourself in cyberspace.
Like a person suffering multiple personality disorder.”

“Listen, rude inner-voice doubling as imaginary interlocutor,
such disrespect for a fellow, on his own website, appears poor etiquette.
Can’t you find redeeming features?”

“There’s no compulsory optimism, I suppose.”

“OK. Now please be quiet, as I wish to address my audience.”

“Both at once? LOL!”


Dear Reader, do you ever get sick of blogging?

Does anything help?


I remember advice articles suggest ending on a question.
Though people often ignore mine.

Perhaps engagement stays low since I’m a bad writer?
Yet, no-one wants to admit that, about their work.

Except, I just did.

But, wait:
isn’t honesty a positive quality?

So, might this downbeat post negate its own negativity?

Has my failure gone meta?

Could meta-failure
form a kind of success?



(Thus, when I’m trying to think the way out,
philosophy pulls me back in.)







Hi all!

Attempts at spontaneous writing took a silly turn this week. 🙃
(Influence of British humour upon me, since childhood, is not easily escaped.)

Comments are always VERY welcome?

Art on the blog is mine, hope you like it?


Thank you for reading.



( anxiety /art / blog / depression / humor / humour / life / mental health / poetry / prose / reading / thoughts / writing )

34 thoughts on “Sick of blogging?”

      1. I hope you continue. I understand completely but sometimes it’s our negative self talk or feelings of worthlessness that dictate rather than reality. I for one hope you take a break and return and continue writing. It doesn’t mean I don’t get it. I really do. But there IS worth in writing and there IS worth in your writing.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you so much, for those kind words!

          Unfortunately, I’m NOT wonderfully productive, like you, Candice!
          Before 2017 I went 13 years unable to write a poem.
          Writing just a few per year is normal, for me.

          Up to now I’ve blogged every week for 3 years, yet without being a “proper” blogger.
          Since it was mainly old work.


        1. Thank you, Wendi.
          I wish the results had been impressive!

          You see, before starting a blog I read it was very important to post consistently, and at least once per week.
          So I’ve struggled really hard to follow that (despite many health problems).

          But, as my stats barely improved, sticking to such a rule may have been pointless.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I understand Ken. What I have found with blogging is that if you don’t visit other bloggers’ sites and comment, you do not get many visitors on yours. I spend countless hours visiting, reading and commenting on others’ blogs which is very exhausting…….and to be honest, except for a few other blogs, I am not sure if all of that time spent was worth it.

            Liked by 1 person

          2. Yes, you make a good point, Wendi.
            It might have been preferable for me to take some weekends off from publishing,
            then spend them just visiting other sites and being social.
            Lacking the energy to do both things, I concentrated my efforts on writing.
            (Seeing how popular you have become, indicates that your approach is probably better.)

            Liked by 1 person

          3. I have not become popular, but I do follow some bloggers who are extremely popular, so much so, that they do not need to visit other bloggers’ sites. I visit a lot and leave a lot of comments, and I appreciate that many of them visit me in return.
            But I understand that when you don’t feel well, everything you do is overwhelming.
            So, maybe set a timer and spend 10 minutes a day reading another blog or two. That way you know you will only be extending yourself for a few minutes a day.

            Liked by 1 person

          4. You are too modest, Wendi!
            Especially for someone getting over 100 comments on your posts! 👏
            (Such a level of popularity is beyond my wildest dreams. 🤩 )

            And, of course, if not for YOUR great kindness, I’d have spent many weeks with no feedback at all.

            (Also (to be fair to myself) after reading other blogs and leaving positive comments, I find people often don’t visit back.
            So I get the impression I’d need to spend a LOT more time on that, for it to make much impact on stats.)

            Liked by 1 person

          5. I am humbled Ken, but I promise you, I have spent HOURS and hours visiting other sites. Plus, 1/2 of those comments are mine responding to comments. 🙂
            Sending blessings you way…..

            Liked by 1 person

          6. Of course, Wendi, I KNOW (from personal experience 😊 ) you have spent hours visiting other sites.
            And, I’m sure, many of them (as well as me), are very grateful to you. 🙌

            (I, also, hope to be more social, in future, but truly doubt I could ever reach your level of popularity.)

            Liked by 1 person

  1. Do comments that go to spam disappear eventually or do they stay somewhere indefinitely? I recently changed my blog allowing comments without moderation because I noticed that it said several comments were flagged as spam, but upon looking I did not see any comments in said spam. Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

          1. This is my first blog or really posting my work online, other than some workshops over a decade ago before I quit writing for way too long. Do you have any advice?

            Liked by 1 person

          2. There are many writing advice blogs, but I don’t feel able to give that, as my circumstances are too unusual.
            (I suffer with illnesses which make it hard for me to produce anything at all.)

            Liked by 1 person

  2. The artwork as usual ACE !
    I wish I had visited your blog sooner.
    By the way, I actually loved this piece of spontaneous writing. I think it’s your first one I am reading but honestly the start was actually humorous. Made me smile.😄
    You should do this again, Ken! A spontaneous writing piece, something like this one.,the way you made humour out of a humourless situation, not many can do that.
    You are amazing, Ken. 💛✨

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lovely 🙂
    A quarrel within, what to write and how to begin. What is important and not an ordinary thing. Do I stop blogging with questions and evaluations, no but yes I stop publishing whatever I write? It is like spare others, please 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Cherryl!🌞
      Lovely to hear from you.
      Actually one big reason I haven’t blogged for months is because I’ve been dealing with cancer.
      The poetic part of my brain still seems switched off.
      (Perhaps it all got me too stressed out?)
      Anyway, I’m gradually healing up, after major surgery, at present.

      (PS: WordPress hid your commment in the spam, so I only just found it.)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wishing you a speedy recovery, and strong health this year Ken, I’m glad your surgery is over, rest and heal, sorry to hear you’ve been so unwell 🙏✨
        (Spam algorithms can be a mystery 🤔)

        Liked by 1 person

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